Search Results
Your search yielded 19 images
GB02 Paris 9397 Seine...jpg
I began by photographing the artist, but soon...
France Paris booksell...jpg
Street photography. Bookseller (Paris) and...
Italy Venice 07 artis...jpg
Italy, Venice. Souvenir Photo. Like I said,...
Italy Venice 07 artis...jpg
Italy, Venice. Souvenir Photo. Like I said,...
bookseller artist 108...jpg
Bookseller (Paris) and artist (Amsterdam).
Paris, France, Europe 2011
Paris, France, Europe 2011
Denver tour 73 chalk...jpg
Street artists create with chalk on Larimer...
Italy Venice artist 4...jpg
Artist and street vendor using smart phone,...
Entertainment 04 arti...jpg
Experiment. Sometimes just holding your camera...
Artist selling his drawings on Pont Solferino,...
Entertainment street ...jpg
Chalk art in Larimer Square, Denver, Colorado,...
Zermatt, Switzerland, Europe 2011
France Paris 9397 Sei...jpg
Photo (16x6) for video with Preston Newell and...
Zermatt, Switzerland, Europe 2011
GB02 Paris 9397 Seine...jpg
Europe 2017
France Paris 22 coupl...JPG
Mother and father pushing baby stroller on Pont...
Paris, France, Europe 2011
Italy Venice 11 laund...jpg
Italy, Venice. Laundry Art. Remember the...