C06 Wilson Peak Lupine flowers barn KNS45_119.jpg

I lost a lot of good images by leaving soon after the 'golden' light had cooled. This morning I waited quite awhile for the lupine wildflowers to receive full morning sun. They were perfectly positioned on an uphill slope, so I could easily place them relative to the homestead and Wilson Peak, Colorado.
Late June along the Last Dollar Road, Telluride, Colorado.
Late June along the Last Dollar Road, Telluride, Colorado.
John Kieffer (photographer) and Outside Imagery LLC
14er mountain, 4 x 5 inch film, Colorado, Colorado Fourteener, Fourteener, Lizard head Peak (13114 feet), Lizardhead Peak, Lupine flower, Lupine wildflower, Rocky Mountains, San Juan Mountains, San Miguel Range, Sunshine Peak, Telluride, Wilson Peak, Wilson Peak (14017 ft), agriculture, architecture, blue flower, building, farm, farmland, flowers, history, homestead, majestic, mountain, mountain range, mountain valley, old barn, old west, pointed peak, ranch, southwest Colorado, summit, view camera, wildflower, wood barn, Beyond Nature St Vrain March 2018