Beyond Nature lecture (90 images)
Beyond Nature photo workshops, John Kieffer photo workshops, travel photography talks, Outside Imagery private Boulder tours, Rocky Mountain National Park photo tours, Boulder Colorado tours, Colorado photo tours, Indian Peaks guided tours, John Kieffer book photographer, John Kieffer tour guide, John Kieffer Boulder Colorado writer, landscape photography, nature photography tours, Boulder private photo tours, Mt Evans tours, Outside Imagery Tours, Colorado private tours, nature photography...
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A01 Beyond Nature Mil...jpg
Become a Travel Photographer. John's photo...
A02 Kieffer hiking se...jpg
I began exploring the mountains in high school,...
A03 Kieffer family 80...jpg
Whether on assignment or shooting for stock,...
A04 Photographers Ass...jpg
As a photographer's assistant, I work for (and...
A05 Mastering Nature ...jpg
Although I teach an array of photographic...
A06 Boulder Denver bo...jpg
Collaborating with a respected publisher to...
B01 Lighting Dictates...jpg
Learn which subjects are best photographed...
B02 Balancing Man.jpg
Tip number one: when sunny, photograph with the...
B19 Photographer Eph...jpg
A free application, "The Photographer's...
B21 Denver skyline ba...jpg
Even if you're 'just' a tourist taking...
B24 Camera Angle.jpg
Move the World by Walking. Learn to appreciate...
B26 shot_list.jpg
Even a simple 'shot list' will remind you of...
C01_pasture only laye...jpg
First, capture the image that made you stop and...
C02a_pasture only fra...jpg
Even seemingly simple photos become very...
C03 horse fence 87827...jpg
Look for interesting foreground subjects to...
C05 Sneffels road hor...jpg
Dirt road and the Sneffels Range, Telluride,...
C06_road and car_jkie...jpg
I usually set my camera's focusing sensor to a...
F01 Mountains fence s...jpg
Write 'lines' and 'framing' on your shot list...
F02 Boulder Hot Air B...jpg
Step back to give images a sense of place....
F03 Framing Red Rock ...jpg
When it's windy, a lake's surface becomes an...
F04 Paris Louvre sail...jpg
France Paris. Step Back and Be Unobtrusive....
F06 Florence Duomo ni...jpg
Just after sunset, when the city lights start...
F08 Florence 5771 flo...jpg
I'm standing in a very busy parking lot, with...
F09 Denver Courthouse...jpg
It's easy to photograph fireworks in the sky....
F11a Framing 3233 Win...jpg
Using an overhead frame is often overlooked and...
F11b frame Netherland...jpg
Make a strong composition with a stage, a place...
F12b Paris tour boat ...jpg
Make a strong composition with a "stage" in the...
F13 Stage Arches_8223...jpg
Compose a stage and wait for family or fellow...
F51 Lines01 road jkie...jpg
When you come across a nice picture, see if...
F52 Lines02 windmill.jpg
Envision straight lines leading to your...
F54 Lines01a Matterho...jpg
Everyone runs to the end of the trail and takes...
F55 Stage05 MBells hi...jpg
These hikers could be your spouse or hiking...
F56 Lines02a Brooklyn...jpg
Compose using strong lines leading to infinity....
F57 Lines03 Monument ...jpg
Diagonal lines originating in the corner work...
F59 Stage mountain ro...jpg
Ever go cycling with friends or family? Pull...
F60 Chamonix family b...jpg
I don't follow the action. I make a composition...
F61 Lines09 Dolomite ...jpg
Graphic lines allow for strong compositions....
F66 Lines14 Grand Can...jpg
I make a composition using strong lines and...
F68 Lines15 Grand Can...jpg
The "stage technique" let you construct...
F70 Lines23 Skiers fl...jpg
Generally, we look at images from left to...
France Chamonix 16 pa...jpg
France, Chamonix. I made a nice composition...
GB01 Telluride couple...jpg
Do you ever find that people get in your way?...
GB02 Paris 9397 Seine...jpg
I began by photographing the artist, but soon...
GB04 Florence 6073 s...jpg
When someone walks and then sits in "your"...
GB05 Paris_Musee dOrs...jpg
Stepping back to include the art students...
GB07 Venice Beth 4117.jpg
Don't intrude on someone's special moment, just...
GB08 Netherlands Beth...jpg
Not all personal, travel photos have to begin...
GB11 Keith_Kara_Beth_...jpg
I set up this composition a few minutes before...
GB12 Kara Keith Beth ...jpg
A much better image than the typical staged...
H02 Kieffer Dolomites...jpg
Before you ask someone to take your picture,...
H1b Stage_01854_group.jpg
Here's some advice, if it's your job to take...
Icon 01 Eiffel Tower_...jpg
Nature and travel photographers often return to...
Icon 02 cycling windm...jpg
Icons convey information, without words. Year...
Icon 03 Cinque Terre ...jpg
For the image on the right, adjust all your...
Icon 07 Italy Venice ...jpg
This was take without a tripod by increasing...
Icon 09 Paris sunset ...jpg
I've learned to take more and more photos...
Icon 10 MBs snowy AM ...jpg
A perfect autumn morning, but not necessarily a...
Icon 11 MB road Lines...jpg
The top half of each image could be...
Icon 13 Maroon Bells ...jpg
Personal icons are your favorite subjects, that...
Icon 14 02 Dolomite 3...jpg
This bench invites you to sit down and enjoy...
Icon 15 Matterhorn be...jpg
Again, step back, include a personal icon and...
Icon 16 MB telescope_...jpg
This telescope act like the park bench. It make...
Icon 21 Paris Eiffel ...jpg
Framing the scene, good use of lines and a...
Icon 22 Lake Garda 40...jpg
Framing the scene, good use of lines and a...
Italy Florence 05 Duo...jpg
Italy, Florence. This shot looks simpler...
Italy Venice gondolie...jpg
Knowing I can use Lightroom and Photoshop...
P01 Food still life 6...jpg
Sometimes it's best to just point and shoot...
P03 Restaurant dinner...jpg
Personal memories. Don't make taking a photo a...
P04 Maps Cortina 0145...jpg
Get back and observe the scene. Like telescopes...
P09 Stairway Beth 829...jpg
Both images incorporate framing. The left photo...
P09 Venice Italy hote...jpg
It never hurts to ask for what you want. Rick...
Stage05 Milan 8847 st...jpg
This beam of light is the perfect stage....
Stage07 Skateboarders...jpg
This photo assignment enlightened me. The only...
Stage08 Denver Skatep...jpg
Due to the long exposure, I made a nice...
Stage11 Rock Climbing...jpg
Photos have to speak for themselves. The...
Stage23 France Paris ...jpg
The stage technique, first comes the...
Stage30 St Anton boar...jpg
Step back. Most ski photos end up being boring...
Stage31 Vail Kara Lis...jpg
Young women snowboarding in Blue Sky Basin at...
Switzerland Colorado ...jpg
I added a dramatic sky each photo. Why not?...
T01 John Beth Lovelan...jpg
I had seen some interesting landscapes taken...
T02 backcountry skier...jpg
Photoshop allows you to convey different...
T03a France Chamonix ...jpg
Here, I desaturated all but the red color....
T04a 02378 Austria St...jpg
Here I photographed a nice landscape as a stage...
T04b 02378 Austria St...jpg
I then photographed a variety of skiers. Always...
T04c 02378 Austria St...jpg
I'll easily combine all 4 skiers into one image...
T04g 02378 Austria St...jpg
Using the cloning tool (rubber stamp) in...
T06 Suicide 01_jkie_8...jpg
Mesa Arch sees hundreds of photographers....
T07 Suicide 02_jkie_8...jpg
Step back and wait for the action to develop....
T08 Suicide 03_jkie_8...jpg
A little work in Photoshop can produce unique...
TTips 09 Eiffel John ...jpg
I've learned to appreciate that less is more,...